Knowing if you have an allergy early can save your life later. There are all types of allergies out there, from pets, flowers, insects, and even foods. The good news is that there are options for those with allergies. Sometimesmedications will help, or simply staying away from those allergens will be sufficient. The best news is that you do not have to wait for something bad to happen to know you have an allergybecause there are numerous tests that your doctor can do to see if you do indeed have anallergy.
These tests can determine the specific allergens that effect you, and why you are seeing specific symptoms. Knowing these will help your doctor prescribe a good course of treatment to reduce your symptoms.
There are two main types of tests that are done to determine if you have allergies or not. These are blood samples and skin prick tests. With a blood test, a sample is sent to the lab to be analyzed. This type of test is best for young children and babies because it is much easier than several skin tests. Askin prick test is where the patient is pricked numerous times with a series of needles that have a number of allergy triggers.
Reactions such as red bumps or welts will tell the doctor that the patient does have allergies. Knowing whether you have allergies or not can save your life as some allergies can cause heart problems.
This is common in bee sting allergies. Preventative treatment, or simply being prepared for a reaction, is always recommended. So talk to your doctor today if you think you may have some sort of allergy.
You will not regret it.
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